trip littéraire

Fruit adolescentesque.


La vie crée la nuit
Ciel noir étoilé
Sous un réverbère
Une marre de larme
De la pluie
Elle s'évade
A l'heure
A temps
Attends, elle attends
Sans ralentir
Sans prévenir
Sans rougir
A l'abandon.
Ou larme de crocodile
J'exige, tristement.

La nuit s'enfuit
A recommencer.

Par chevre le mardi 28 novembre 2006


#1 Par ~New Jordans 2011 le 29.06.2011 à 03:22 top
That could be acceptable to remain suspect of any over-all sector caused by a small amount of harmful apples? You can get at a minimum a few very important variation, seems for me. To start with, not everybody queries which will discipline really works, any incorrect and even less-than-honest allege can once in a while end up marketed. Though regardless if you can get any specific "miraculous" alternatives as a result of faith-healing, outside your body's possess ability to overcome once more, is amazingly a good deal within situation. The second thing, that expose' in theft and even oversight on discipline is produced very nearly especially as a result of discipline. Nevertheless visibility in theft and even oversight on faith-healing is virtually hardly ever achieved as a result of several other faith-healers.

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